504 vs IEP - What is the Difference?
Early Childhood & School Age
504 vs IEP - What is the Difference?
You will learn about 504 plans, eligibility and understand the possible supports available under the plan, versus how every child receiving special education services has an Individualized Education Program (IEP). What is it? Who writes it? What...
A Parent's Guide to Special Education (formerly Parent Member)
Early Childhood & School Age
A Parent's Guide to Special Education (formerly Parent Member)
Participants will increase their knowledge and skills to become effective Parent Members during a CPSE/CSE meeting. Included will be informational will be provided about eligibility for special education services, education planning and goal...
Addressing Sleep Challenges for the Neurodivergent Child
Sleep Recommendations
Addressing Sleep Challenges for the Neurodivergent Child
Join Parent Network and Dr Amanda Hassinger for an informational workshop on addressing sleep issues in neurodivergent children. This could include those with diagnoses or suspected: ADHD, Autism, Anxiety, Dyslexia, and more. While this workshop...
ADHD-Strategies for Success and IEP Development
Early Childhood & School Age
ADHD-Strategies for Success and IEP Development
Learn the signs and symptoms of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD/ ADHD). This class discusses the characteristics of ADD/ ADHD, and the tips and tools to help identify strategies that can be included in a student's Individualized...
Binder Training: Organizing All Your Stuff!
Binder Training: Organizing All Your Stuff!
Where did you put that paper? It’s here somewhere!!! Participants will learn which papers or documents to keep, organizing tips and understand how having the right paper at your fingertips can lead to a successful education plan. All...
Buffalo Public Schools - High School Selection Process (30 minutes)
Youth in Care
Buffalo Public Schools - High School Selection Process (30 minutes)

In this workshop you will learn more about the High School showcase, what are the high school options and learn more about the application process.

Classroom Management in Hybrid/Remote Learning, Schoolwork/Homework Help
Professional Development
Classroom Management in Hybrid/Remote Learning, Schoolwork/Homework Help
Participants will learn strategies that can be adapted to manage virtual and in person classrooms.
Conflict Resolution
Professional Development
Conflict Resolution
Participants will learn tips and strategies to end conflicts before they start, effectively communicate, and meet the needs of all parties.
Cultural Competence
Professional Development
Cultural Competence
Participants will be able to define and identify the components of cultural competence and describe why it is important for improved student outcomes.
Effective Communication
Professional Development
Effective Communication
Participants will learn the 4 styles of communication and the influence and benefits of each style.

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